Dehydrated Pork Taco and Mexican Rice Bowl – Making Dehydrated Meals for Camping

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Dehydrated pork taco and Mexican rice is a favorite in our easy-to-make and easy-to-prepare camping and backpacking meal series. It’s a delicious and hearty meal made with easy-to-find ingredients that we can easily dehydrate.

Dehydrated camping food recipes such as this one are easy to make and easy to prepare and cook on a single-burner camp stove.

And don’t forget to bring a few packets of salsa to top it all off.

So, let’s get started.

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On the way to the shelter, this dehydrated pork tacos with Mexican rice is going to be good.

Table of Contents

Dehydrated Pork Taco and Mexican Rice Bowl Recipe

We can dehydrate almost all of the ingredients needed for this recipe. Some ingredients, like the store-bought orange powder drink mix, are easier to purchase than dehydrating and powdering orange juice.

Supplies and Tools Recommendations

Supplies and tools are minimal; nothing special is required for this recipe.

  • Several 1-quart zip-top bags
  • Heavy-duty paper towels
  • Labeling materials such as masking tape and waterproof all-weather pen
  • Camp cookware and dinnerware         
dehydrated food cooking pots | best foods to dehydrate for long term storage | dehydrating food for long term storage | dehydrated food recipes for long term storage | dehydrating meals for long term storage | food dehydrator for long term storage
Our collection of stainless-steel cooking pots for the pack. We’re camping kitchen cookware junkies. We have others, but for the pack, we’ll grab one of these.

Look for lightweight, durable cookware that is compatible with your camping stove or heat source. Stainless steel or titanium cookware is popular for camping due to its durability and heat distribution ability.

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Dehydrated pork tacos with Mexican rice ingredients, clockwise from the low left:
1) dehydrated pork crumbles
2) dehydrated rice made with vegetable broth
3) dehydrated RoTel diced tomatoes
4) dehydrated onion
5) spices and seasonings, taco seasoning, dehydrated cilantro, garlic powder
6) dehydrated jalapeno peppers
7) dehydrated carrots
8) powdered orange drink mix

Dry Ingredients for the Dehydrated Pork Taco and Mexican Rice Bowl

Makes one serving, approximately 150 grams dry weight.

Optional: bring along accessories.

  • Small, leak-proof container of olive or avocado oil
  • Small, leak-proof container of pickled red onions

We suggest you make this recipe at home several times before you head out to the field so you can dial it into your personal preferences. Adjusting proteins, carbohydrates, and spices as you see fit.

Ingredient Notes

Some taco seasoning blends have a good amount of salt; maybe you don’t need that extra pinch of kosher salt.

Check out what the taco seasoning package nutrition label shows as the serving size suggestion, and use that amount of seasoning, or maybe a tad bit more, depending on how spicy you like your food.

For the orange powder drink mix, we like to use the Liquid IV Hydration Multiplier tangerine flavor immune support drink mix. It has a bit of cane sugar natural flavorings, with an assortment of vitamins and minerals. Nothing artificial. It’s a popular product with over 20,000 mostly 5-star reviews. Each packet is 16 grams. We’ll use half a packet per single serving of dehydrated pork tacos. But use what you can easily find.

At-Home Preparation

Combine all the dry ingredients into a single food-safe 1-quart quality name-brand zip-top bag for the best storage results. The sharp edges of dehydrated ingredients will likely cause micro-punctures in lesser-quality zip-top plastic bags.

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Our dehydrated pork tacos with Mexican rice homemade camping meal packet is ready to go. We have enough dehydrated ingredients to make one or two more.

Label and date the zip-top bag to identify the contents. Masking tape and an all-weather pen with permanent ink work well here.

Compared to the local big box stores, Amazon has the best prices for the name-brand 1-quart zip-top bags.  So says the 20,000 plus Amazon customer reviewers who took the time to leave feedback. The rough and sharp edges of homemade dehydrated foods often compromise generic zip-top bags. Quality zip-top bags are a necessity when making dehydrated meals for camping.

Be sure to include a short note with the name of the dish and detailed preparation instructions. We have included printable and detailed preparation instructions at the end of this page.

Optimize Food Protection for Storage and Travel

Double bagging, using two zip-top bags with a separator, is an option to help guard against punctures, leaks, and water penetration and to protect the food’s integrity. This way, it remains viable in the field or pantry storage.

The Scott Shop towels brand makes an excellent bag separator. These multipurpose paper towels are thicker than the average heavy-duty paper towel. As a multitasker, repurpose these towels for the after-meal cleanup activities.

Scott heavy-duty paper towels | dehydrating food for long term storage | dehydrated food recipes for long term storage | dehydrating meals for long term storage
These Scott brand heavy-duty paper towels help protect your homemade dehydrated camping food meal packets. The rough edges and sharp ends of dehydrated foods very often compromise lesser-quality zip-top bags. Wrapping the inner zip-top bag with a few heavy-duty paper towels before placing it in the outer zip-top bag helps to guard against micro-punctures that may cause leaks and water penetration. This way, the food packets remain viable in the field or pantry storage.

These heavy-duty paper towels have over 11,000 Amazon customer reviews with an average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars, which is evidence of a great product. Check them out here. You can find them at your local big-box megamart automotive department.

In the Field Preparation

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This pork taco with Mexican rice bowl is going to be good.

Empty the contents of the zip-top bag into a suitable-sized cooking pot. 

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The dehydrated pork taco with Mexican rice dry mix has been added to our cooking pot.

Measure in enough water to cover the dry ingredients. Then add a tad bit more water. Stir to mix thoroughly. Cover, and let the dry ingredients hydrate for a minimum of five minutes. Stir several times, and add more water if needed to keep all ingredients covered and well-saturated with water.

adding water to the dry pork taco dry mix | dehydrated pork tacos with Mexican rice | dehydrated pork tacos | making dehydrated meals for camping | homemade dehydrated meal recipes | make your own dehydrated camping food | homemade dehydrated camping meals | homemade dehydrated backpacking meals
We’ve added water to the dry mix to start hydrating. Cover, then let it sit for at least five minutes. Be sure to stir it several times so it’s well mixed with water.

You’ll see the dehydrated ingredients start to soften and hydrate.

So why not add all of the water at once? You certainly can, but we are metering in the water so we don’t end up with a too dry or soupy final product. Adding water in smaller amounts works best for our Dehydrator Chef recipes

Bring the hydrating mix to a boil on your cooking stove, stirring occasionally to mix. Be sure to stir the contents all the way to the bottom of the cooking pot.

Next, adjust the stove to a low-heat simmer for approximately two minutes. Stir frequently to reduce the chances of burning.

dehydrated pork tacos brought to a boil | dehydrated pork tacos with mexican rice | dehydrated pork tacos | making dehydrated meals for camping | homemade dehydrated meal recipes | make your own dehydrated camping food | homemade dehydrated camping meals | homemade dehydrated backpacking meals
The dehydrated pork taco with Mexican rice mix is coming to a boil. We’ll give it another stir and turn it down to a low simmer for another couple of minutes before wrapping it all up in a cozy.

After two or more minutes of simmering and stirring, turn off the stove and move the pot into an insulated wrap or cozy to rest and hydrate for 15 to 20 minutes or more for the flavors to blend and the ingredients to fully reconstitute.

reconstituted pork taco with Mexican rice | dehydrated pork tacos with mexican rice | dehydrated pork tacos | making dehydrated meals for camping | homemade dehydrated meal recipes | make your own dehydrated camping food | homemade dehydrated camping meals | homemade dehydrated backpacking meals
The reconstituted pork taco with Mexican rice is ready to eat. Eat straight from the cooking pot or scoop a big helping into a wrap or pita pocket bread.

Practice this dehydrated camping meal recipe several times at home before preparing it for the first time out in the field so you know what to expect. Use the very same camp cookware and dinnerware to work through all the how-to unknowns and to adapt where necessary.

Add any additional seasoning, such as hot sauce or salsa packets, for some added spice.

Serving Suggestions

pork tacos with mexican rice ready to eat | dehydrated pork tacos with mexican rice | dehydrated pork tacos | making dehydrated meals for camping | homemade dehydrated meal recipes | make your own dehydrated camping food | homemade dehydrated camping meals | homemade dehydrated backpacking meals
We’ve loaded up a couple of wraps and added some red pickled onions with a few packets of hot sauce. We’re eating good tonight.

Spoon the hydrated pork taco with Mexican rice mix into a burrito wrap.

Top with your choice of accessories, such as hot sauce packets, salsa packets, pickled red onions, or any other favorites.  Leave a comment below on your favorite toppings.

Optionally, enjoy it straight from the cooking pot.  This is the easy cleanup method.

A personal favorite is spooning in the pork taco with Mexican rice mix into a split pita bread, then topped off with a packet or two of salsa or hot sauce.  This is a filling and satisfying meal on its own.

Dehydrated Pork Taco and Mexican Rice Bowl Detailed Preparation Instructions

Empty the dehydrated pork taco with Mexican rice dry mix contents of the zip-top bag into your cooking pot.

Pour in enough water to just cover the dry mix, then add a tad bit more.

Cover, and let the dry ingredients hydrate in your camp cookware for a minimum of 5 minutes. Stirring all of the way to the bottom of the pot every now and again.  Make sure the mix stays covered and well-saturated with water.

You’ll notice, with each stir, that the ingredients will start softening and hydrating.

Next, on your cooking stove and over a medium flame, bring the mix to a boil, stirring frequently, all the way to the bottom of the cooking pot. If your cook stove will simmer, turn the heat down to a simmer after bringing it to a boil.

After two minutes of simmering and stirring, turn off the stove and move the pot into an insulated wrap or cozy to rest and hydrate for 15 to 20 minutes or more for the flavors to blend and the ingredients to fully reconstitute.

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